Dent de Lleó, oak aged white wine


Mas Vicenç elaborates an aged white wine inspired by the sensitivity of the wild flower dandelion. Its elegant combination of flower aromas such as orange tree and acacia flower sets it apart from the rest. It also contains shy notes of cinnamon and briocheand a creamy and delicate palate.

Dent de lleó won the silver medal at the DO Tarragona 2018 competition.

This product has a weight of 1.25 kg and a capacity of 75cl




Blend: The varieties are Chardonnay and Garnatxa blanca, with a 60-40 blend.
Harvest 2023. Manual selection and picking. In accordance with this vintage’s production line, the Chardonnay and Garnatxa blanca varieties offer excellent results in terms of quality and quantity. The Chardonnay variety was harvested in the first week of September – one of the earliest- and the Garnatxa was collected two weeks later.
Production: Pressed and subsequently fermented in stainless steel vats, with temperature control. The wine was aged in American oak barrels for 75 days.

Visual appearance Sharp and clear, it has a more intense colour than ‘el Terrat’ due to the oak barrel aging process.
Bouquet It has a noteworthy mineral remind, matured fruits such as plum and hints of cinnamon.
Flavour: Creamy, soft and lingering. ‘Dent de lleó’ is a wine full of sensations and it is best enjoyed in a calm and relaxed atmosphere.
Pairing It can be paired with several clearly structured dishes, such as ‘paellas’ and poultry. This wine also goes well with foods with lingering tastes, such as cod. It pairs excellently with mature cheeses and cured ham.
Serving temperature: Between 10 and 12ºC.

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