Why do we throw grapes away one month before the harvest?

Why do we throw grapes away one month before the harvest?

Why do we throw grapes away one month before the harvest? It seems a contradiction and yes, it may also seem like an act with a negative standpoint. What sense does it have after working the vines all year long? Is it necessary to remove almost 40% of production of a...
We’ve planted Malvasia, we’ve opened new horizons

We’ve planted Malvasia, we’ve opened new horizons

We’ve planted Malvasia, we’ve opened new horizons This May in Mas Vicenç we have planted aromatic malvasia, a new variety in our region in Tarragona. We are committed to the white and autochthonous varieties again. Which kind of wine will we produce? We’ll let you...
Tarragona must create experiencies around wine

Tarragona must create experiencies around wine

Tarragona must create experiencies around wine Josep Ejarque, destination manager of the International consultory Four Tourism, talks about the importancy of the wine tourism in the province of Tarragona. The necesseray diferentiation of the tourism, the new habits of...
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