Amphora of the sea

We are glad to introduce you the Amphora of the sea

This past April 19th, at the ‘Teatret del Serrallo’ in Tarragona, we officially presented a project full of excitement and Mediterranean identity. These are 50 amphoras of malvasia from Mas Vicenç and which have been submerged for 400 days in the depths of the Port of Tarragona waters.

‘If we progress as a human species it is because there are people who complicate their lives’, affirmed Rafa López-Monné, director of Climate Action and Territory at the Port of Tarragona.

‘It looks like a Barceló’ said an artist present at the presentation. The corals are impregnated on the argile amphoras and give each piece a different appearance.

And, what about the sea? What does it really add to the wine? At the moment, and although we are in the research phase, we notice that the wine gains in structure due to the constant sea currents and the saline side of the wine is pronounced, without losing the floral aromatic identity of the malvasia variety.

Now, the intention is to continue making dives. At the moment, we have already reserved cages to submerge 150 amphoras more.

We hope you enjoy this exclusive Mediterranean experience.

Mas Vicenç team

àmfora mas vicens
amfora mar mas vicens
presentacio amfora
roda premsa amfora del mar


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